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Getting to know our Motability Car Scheme Aftercare Team | Anita Sheard

July 5, 2021 TBC Conversions Company NewsTBC Mobility

Over the past few months, we’ve been introducing a few of our team members who have worked with TBC Conversions for years. Today we are pleased to learn more about a new addition to our Motability Car Scheme Aftercare team; meet Anita Sheard.

Let’s find out why Anita came to TBC Conversions and what she loves so far about her time here.

What attracted you to apply for a role in the Motability Car Scheme Aftercare team?

I had known Ray Walsh, UK Sales Manager, for years as I already worked in the motor industry, one day we ended up discussing his work and how much he enjoyed working with the company. The main thing that I suppose attracted me to the role was all the great work TBC Conversions were doing for customers and clients who relied on the Motability Scheme.

What do you think is the key message here at TBC Conversions?

Definitely the importance of customer care. Our customers are at the core of everything we do and, dealing with the Motability Car Scheme on our customer behalf, we work to help make their day-to-day life as easy and problem-free as possible.

What is the one thing, so far, that you are most proud of since starting with TBC Conversions?

I was promoted in just 4 months, something which I believe really shows the companies faith in me and my abilities, but also shows just how much I enjoy doing the work I am.

How do you see the company progressing over the course of 2021?

Honestly, I think if the last few months are any indication, TBC Conversions will be building a greater presence all over the UK in the mobility and vehicle conversions market. I believe we can expect more production to move over from Northern Ireland to our Bromborough based workshops and also we can expect to see a better, more relaxed and safer way of dealing with our customers at scheduled safety checks, handovers and specialised events.

What's on Mobility Events 2021

Tell us what gets you up in the morning?

The team I work with are so welcoming and friendly and honestly, I really look forward to coming into the office each and every day. Helping the people who make use of the Motability Car Scheme really is rewarding. Our customers have been among the worse affected people from the effects of the pandemic, and I think it’s important to make our interactions and the visits from our technicians a totally positive experience.

Can you tell us your favourite thing about the work you do for TBC Conversions?

Being a real people person, my favourite thing about my job is talking with our customers. Our customer base is so diverse that one call I can be speaking with an elderly lady who cares for her husband, another day I can be speaking with a disabled military veteran or a mother with a disabled child. It’s because no two customers are alike, and everyone has a story to share, that I enjoy every phone call and interaction. What we do is so important to our customers and assisting such a great service like the Motability Car Scheme, really is the most enjoyable part of my job here.

TBC Conversions really do stand out among other wheelchair accessible vehicle converters, why do you think that is?

We truly care about our work. The Motability Car Scheme helps those with disabilities access vehicles to help retain independence and easy travel, and at TBC Mobility Conversions we build further upon the strength of that service.

Our customer-centric focus helps to ensure we provide our clients with a WAV that caters to their individual needs, no matter what we never sell a car that isn’t going to be absolutely stress free to use and maintain. Furthermore, it’s important to us to keep wheelchairs users as comfortable and safe as possible in our conversions, as well as provide vehicles that are stylish and practical for everyday use.

We like to build long-lasting trusting relationships with our customers, using the same level of intelligence, empathy and care we apply when building every wheelchair accessible vehicle, we supply.

Lastly, and for a bit of fun, what would your dream car be and why?

A Dodge Charger without a doubt, because it’s fast and furious just like me.

TBC Mobility Conversions team dream cars


After many years of working closely with the Motability Car Scheme, TBC Conversions are proud to have developed a wide range of wheelchair accessible cars built to keep our customers on the road. Whether you are a disabled driver looking for a drive from WAV, a family with a wheelchair user or a carer trying to get your clients from A to B, our team of conversion specialists and aftercare staff dedicate their time to making sure all our clients can travel with ease and in style.

People like Anita Sheard really make a difference to so many by being a friendly and approachable voice on the other end of the phone with a wealth of available knowledge and expertise. What’s more, we’re expanding our team at TBC Conversions, and have vacancies working with Anita and the team liaising with the Motability Car Scheme, our customers and technicians. Do you enjoy helping people and delivering a high standard of care that mirrors that of the Motability Car Scheme and TBC Conversions? Apply here if so for our Service Advisor vacancy.


TBC Conversions

Our attention to detail, good service, outstanding value and respect for all are just some of the qualities that instill trust within our customers who return to the TBC Group year after year and generation after generation.


50 Far Circular Rd,
Co. Tyrone
BT71 6LW
Northern Ireland

Tel: 0800 999 5090

TBC Conversions Ltd (ENGLAND)

Unit 3
Brunel Road
CH62 3NY

Tel: 0800 999 5090